Our Blog

What we do: Jesus-shaped community

Over the last month and a bit, we’ve been exploring the four words that make up our ‘mission’, or—in plain English—what we do as…

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What we do: We partner with God’s mission

Welcome to the third instalment of our what we do blog series. The purpose of these posts is to set out our four part…

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What we do: We make disciples

A couple of weeks back, we spoke about our vision for Toowoomba Vineyard Church. It was less about numbers, programs, and buildings (though there…

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What we do: It all starts with worship

On Sunday, we spoke about vision—or perhaps, more accurately, our mission. It was our second ‘who are we and where are we going’ talk…

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How does pastoral care work at TVC?

One of the wonderful advantages of belonging to a Christian community is that you get surrounded (at least in theory) by a bunch of…

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What is a Vineyard Church, and do you do wine tasting?

About 5 or 6 years ago, Jen and I arrived at church early for worship practice. We recognised all the cars in the carpark…

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A Christmas Letter from Chris and Jen

It’s difficult to believe that 12 months ago, we didn’t know most of you. Toowoomba Vineyard Church was just a pipe dream, an idea…

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How should Christians vote in the Voice referendum?

In just a few weeks time, Australia will go to the polls to decide whether a First Nations Voice should be enshrined in our…

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Everything you wanted to know about giving to church, but were too afraid to ask

Mixing money and church can get weird. With an emphasis on can.

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Why we’re taking a week off church

When I first started pastoring, I quickly developed this idea you could never take a week off church. Not me, personally — I had…

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Why we start every Sunday with an Acknowledgement of Country

If you’ve ever visited us (or made it to the bottom of our website), you will have noticed we start every service with an…

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