Toowoomba Vineyard Church

We’re a new Vineyard church made up of people from all ages, stages, backgrounds, cultures, and political persuasions who are united by our desire to learn from and live like Jesus.

We started back in 2023 with a desire to see people of all walks discover (or rediscover) the joy of following Jesus in community.

A group of people gather for worship

Vision and values

Our vision is less about programmes, numbers, and buildings (though of course, these have their place), as it is about fostering a thriving church culture where people can learn, grow, and serve their community.

A picnic at Queens Park with the Toowoomba Vineyard Church banner in the background.

What we believe

We’re a mainstream Christian church who follow Jesus and read the bible. We’re certainly not the ones that finally got it right, but we do have strongly held convictions. Learn about them here.

A path leading down Queens Park in Toowoomba, QLD

What is the Vineyard?

The Vineyard is a charismatic church movement that rose to prominence in the 1990’s under the leadership of John Wimber. It represents more than 2,400 churches in over 95 countries worldwide.

Our friend Laura preaching up a storm

Our podcast

Need to listen back to a message? Want to check out our teaching before your visit? We record our Sunday messages and post them here, as well as on most mainstream podcast providers.

A photo of Gold Park, with the playground in the background


Most Sundays at 9:30am


Gold Park Sports Club (341 Hume St, Centenary Heights)


We have a dedicated programme for kids aged 2 and up!


Always. High priority

Chris and Jen Gresham-Britt have the privilege of leading Toowoomba Vineyard Church alongside a wonderful team of board members and volunteers. They are passionate about helping people discover the joy of following Jesus in community.

Chris and Jen Gresham-Britt with their kids David and Benjamin

From the blog

Every so often when inspiration strikes, we share about aspects of faith and church life that might not come up on a Sunday.

What we do: Jesus-shaped community

Over the last month and a bit, we’ve been exploring the four words that make up our ‘mission’, or—in plain English—what we do as…

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What we do: We partner with God’s mission

Welcome to the third instalment of our what we do blog series. The purpose of these posts is to set out our four part…

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