
Visit us

We’d love to see you on Sunday! Whether you’re looking for a church home or just want to pop in and say high, everyone is welcome. You don’t have to let us know you’re coming but if you have a question, feel free to reach out:

Key Details

  • Service starts at 9:30am
  • Meeting location is North Toowoomba Bowls Club, Lemnos Street, Harlaxton
  • Everyone is welcome!

Where we meet

We meet most Sundays at North Toowoomba Bowls Club, Lemnos Street, Harlaxton. When you arrive, look for the big green flags out the front, and follow the signs out back to the function room.

Where to park

There is plenty of parking available at the venue, which is not open on Sunday mornings. If you look for the big green flags you can’t miss it!

What to expect

Our service begins at 9:30am with coffee (of course). After a few minutes we’ll begin a time of worship (singing, mostly), then have announcements, and a message from the bible. We always leave space afterwards to pray for one another. Services usually wrap up between 11:00-11:15am, but we’d encourage you to stick around afterwards to get to know people in the community.

Coming with kids?

Good, we love kids! There’s a play space set up which you’re welcome to use at any point. We hope to start a kids ministry soon, but in the meanwhile, they’re very welcome.

Other good-to-knows:

  • What to wear: We’re pretty informal so whatever’s comfortable! You don’t need to don your Sunday best.
  • Giving: You can give if you want to, but you won’t be pressured.

Visiting on Sunday?

Why not learn more about what we’re up to in the meanwhile?