Our blog

  • How should Christians vote in the Voice referendum?

    In just a few weeks time, Australia will go to the polls to decide whether a First Nations Voice should be enshrined in our constitution. I don’t know about you, but my social media feeds have gone into overdrive since the date announcement a few weeks ago. Jen and I have recently had questions about…

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  • Everything you wanted to know about giving to church, but were too afraid to ask

    Mixing money and church can get weird. With an emphasis on can. In my time as a pastor, I’ve seen both extremes — financial management done very badly, and also very well. From my observations, it tends to come down to a combination of healthy attitudes, good communication, and effective systems. As we get the…

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  • Why we’re taking a week off church

    When I first started pastoring, I quickly developed this idea you could never take a week off church. Not me, personally — I had it hammered in to me early to take time off to refresh and recharge. I got that. But it was more about having a Sunday where church didn’t meet. We’re not…

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